Alias: Marac the Mutant, The Holy Titan, Giant of Namek, The Dragon God, The Demigod, Marac the GreatRace: NamekianHeight: 8 ft 2 (249cm)Weight: 551 lbs (250kg)From: Planet Namek, Universe 6Age: 40sTraits: Arrogant, Violent, Anti-Social, Disingenuous, Battle Addict, Deceptive, Bipolar.Appearance: Marac has a very muscular physique, a large scar across his left eye and light-mint green patches due to mutation.Natural Abilities:
- Enhanced Hearing.
- Regeneration.
- Awakening Potential.
- Fusion and Fission.
- Telekinesis and Telepathy.
- Energy Absorption.
Theme Track:

Marac's Voice:

Main Attires: Present Marac —————————> Future Marac

Abilities & Techniques:
- Sacred Shadow: Marac is able to essentially make himself intangible for around a second, meaning every attack thrown at him would simply go through his body. He uses this technique in dire situations since it eats up a lot of energy.

- Titanic Eruption: A blue energy encompasses Marac which is then unleashed outwards, extirpating anything feeble within hundreds of kilometres from the Mutant. (Similar to Vegeta's 'Final Explosion')

- Hellzone Grenade: Marac fires dozens of heat-seeking ki-blasts into the air and allows them to float about until he decided to unleash them upon his opponent.

- Solar Blue: Marac generates a potent blue orb infinitely stronger than a regular blast. Upon contact, the orb causes a massive explosion and transforms into a ravaging tornado of energy.

- Empyrean Lasso: Marac creates flexile cords of energy that could be utilized in many ways. He can use the cords to absorb energy, move objects around or confine / incinerate other beings or things.

- Final Dawn: Seven golden spheres heavily resembling Namekian Dragon Balls float around Marac that can be utilized both offensively and defensively. They are virtual entities with minds of their own that hold Marac's will.Offensive: The orbs cease to defend Marac and attack the adversary from several different directions at an immense velocity that is comparable to Marac himself.Defensive: The orbs float around Marac serving as the ultimate defense. Each sphere independently reacts to any incoming attacks and ensures Marac's safety at all times. If an enemy were to get too close, they would compact and release searing waves capable of inflicting critical damage.

Tools & Weapons:
- Titan's Blade: Masterfully crafted from the mixtures of his flesh, Kachi Katchin, and malevolent energy. It has the ability to slice through virtually anything in existence and release a substantial amount of venomous energy into the victim through a cut, that slowly absorbs ki until the energy is either purged, or the victim passes out.


- Super Namekian (Base Form): Regular physical appearance bar the blood-red eyes and the light mint green patches due to mutation.

- Giant Super Namekian: Marac's height increases, ranging from approximately 60 to 120 feet. His battle-power slightly increases and his speed slightly decreases.

- Holy Titan: After absorbing the Eternal Dragon, Marac obtained the sacred energy to develop the Holy Titan form, which augments his battle-power and speed immeasurably. ( )

- Infinite Holy Titan: Years after obtaining Holy Titan, Marac finally reached the form's maximum latent potential and evolved it into a new form called Infinite Holy Titan that far exceeded the original. ( )

- Nirvana State Infinite Holy Titan: <TBA> [LOCKED]

Original art created by: GA'16?